postgresql when it's not your job


The Mighty GUCS: A guide to the essential PostgreSQL settings you need to know

16 October 2009

The archive video for the October 13, 2009 SFPUG meeting is now available:

For downloading, the direct link is here, and it is also available on Vimeo if that’s more your thing.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

WordPress to Django+PostgreSQL, part 3: Installing Apache, Python 2.6, psycopg2, and mod_wsgi at 16:12, 17 October 2009:

[…] So far, we’ve just accepted the default configuration parameters that initdb provided. Those will get us up and running, and setting the various PostgreSQL config parameters is worth at least one post all to itself. (In the meantime, see Josh Berkus’ talk “The Mighty GUCS”.) […]

Fred Janon at 16:32, 18 October 2009:

Could you please indicate on this page what license is this video under? I asked my ISP in Australia to mirror it and they wouldn’t since they don’t know what the license its. We have pretty low download quotas here, so ISP mirror files on their server with free download quotas when they legally can. Thanks in advance. Fred.

Xof at 16:54, 18 October 2009:

Could you please indicate on this page what license is this video under?
