postgresql when it's not your job

30 October 2015


Don’t Assume PostgreSQL is Slow

You can’t build a real-life system without caching.

That being said, it’s often the case that parts of the system you think are going to be slow aren’t. I’ve noticed a tendency to build out a huge stack of components (“we’ll have PostgreSQL, and Redis, and Celery, and Varnish, and…”) without actually measuring where the bottlenecks are.

Example: A counter.

Suppose you need a global counter for something. It needs to be super-fast, and available across all of the web front ends. It’s not transactional (you never “uncount” based on a rollback), but you do want it to be persistent.

Option 1: Drop Redis into the stack, use INCR to keep the counter, and have some other process that reads the counter and spills it into PostgreSQL, then have some other process that picks up the count when Redis starts and initializes it (or be smart enough to read from both places and add them when yo need it), and accept that there are windows in which you might use counts.

Option 2: Use SERIAL in PostgreSQL.

But option 2 is really really really slow compared to super-ultra-fast Redis, right?

Not really (test on an Amazon i2-2xlarge instance, client over local sockets, Python client):

So: Slower. 6.8 microseconds per increment slower. And no elaborate Redis tooling.

So, build for operation, apply load, then decide what to cache. Human intuition about what might be slow is almost certainly wrong.


ProTip: Digital Ocean, Please Don’t Do This.

Digital Ocean, who I assume are very nice people and meant well, did a Hacktoberfest event in which people were encouraged to submit a pull request to any open source GitHub project. In exchange, “contributors” would get a t-shirt.

You can probably guess what happened:

sigmavirus24: Hey @digitalocean your October pull request event has done nothing but wreak havoc on projects I maintain. I’ve had to reject too many PRs

Reviewing pull requests is a lot of work. Getting buried under trivial pull requests by people who are only after a t-shirt is a great way to get people to take projects private. Please don’t use open source projects as free marketing.

8 October 2015


UUID vs BIGSERIAL for Primary Keys

SERIAL (32 bit integer) or BIGSERIAL (64 bit integer) are the first choice for most people for a synthetic primary key. They’re easy, they’re comprehensible, and they’re transaction-safe. The values that come out of them are, at least to start, manageable and human-scale. They can also provide an easy sortation on creation order.

They’re not perfect, though: If you have to merge together two tables that were generated using SERIALs, you have a massive key update ahead of you to avoid conflicts. If you use SERIAL, exhausting the range is a possibility. If you have a sharded database, you need some way of keeping the sequences independent, such as different starting offsets (but what if you get the offset wrong?) or creating them using different increments (but what if you add another server)

A good alternative is using UUIDs, generated using the uuid_generate_v4() function in PostgreSQL’s uuid-ossp contrib module. This makes mergers much easier, and guarantees independence across multiple tables.

But UUIDs are 128 bits, not 64, and require a function call to generate. How much of a problem is that, really?

As a test, I created a table with a single primary key column and a single float field:

   id <type>,
   f float,

<type> could be one of three possibilities:

The test inserted 10,000,000 rows into the table. In one run, it did a COMMIT after each INSERT; in the other, a single COMMIT after all INSERTs. This was on PostgreSQL 9.4.4 on an AWS i2.2xlarge instance, with the two SSDs in a RAID-0 as the database volume.

The results were:

COMMITing after each INSERT:

column typetime (s)size (MB)


column typetime (s)size (MB)

Overall, the INSERT time for UUIDs was slightly longer than that for BIGSERIAL, but not appreciably. The BIGINT column was notably slower, due to the PL/pgSQL function generating the new keys.

The UUID tables were bigger, of course, although this is an extremely example in that the primary key was only one of two fields in the table; more realistic tables with more columns would not show the same percentage increase.

The conclusion I draw is that it is fine to use UUIDs unless you are faced with a very tight INSERT performance requirement; they are surprisingly efficient compared to BIGSERIAL. My supposition is that the increased computation for the UUID is balanced agains the I/O to maintain the SERIAL.

10 September 2015


Beyond the B-Tree: GIST and GIN Indexes

I was honored to be invited to give a presentation at the Austin PostgreSQL Users’ Group Meetup, and the slides for my presentation Beyond the B-Tree are now available.


Django 1.8 and PostgreSQL at Djangocon 2015

My slides for Django 1.8 and PostgreSQL are available.

28 March 2015


PostgreSQL and JSON: 2015

The slides from my talk at PGConf US 2015 are now available.

3 February 2015


Logical Decoding and JSON Talks at FOSDEM

The slides for my talks on logical decoding and the state of the art in JSON are now available on-line.

18 November 2014


When LIMIT attacks

One common source of query problems in PostgreSQL results an unexpectedly-bad query plan when a LIMIT clause is included in a query. The typical symptom is that PostgreSQL picks an index-based plan that actually takes much, much longer than if a different index, or no index at all, had been used.

Here’s an example. First, we create a simple table and an index on it:

xof=# CREATE TABLE sample (
xof(#   i INTEGER,
xof(#   f FLOAT
xof(# );
xof=# CREATE INDEX ON sample(f);

And fill it with some data:

xof=# INSERT INTO sample SELECT 0, random() FROM generate_series(1, 10000000);
INSERT 0 10000000
xof=# ANALYZE;

Then, for about 5% of the table, we set i to 1:

xof=# UPDATE sample SET i=1 WHERE f<0.05;
UPDATE 499607
xof=# ANALYZE;

Now, let’s find all of the entires where i is 1, in descending order of f.

                                                         QUERY PLAN                                                         
 Sort  (cost=399309.76..401406.04 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=1415.166..1511.202 rows=499607 loops=1)
   Sort Key: f
   Sort Method: quicksort  Memory: 35708kB
   ->  Seq Scan on sample  (cost=0.00..316811.10 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=1101.836..1173.262 rows=499607 loops=1)
         Filter: (i = 1)
         Rows Removed by Filter: 9500393
 Total runtime: 1542.529 ms
(7 rows)

So, 1.5 seconds to do a sequential scan on the whole table. So, just getting the first 10 entries from that should be much faster, right?

                                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                                        
 Limit  (cost=0.43..277.33 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=12710.612..12710.685 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan Backward using sample_f_idx on sample  (cost=0.43..23218083.52 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=12710.610..12710.682 rows=10 loops=1)
         Filter: (i = 1)
         Rows Removed by Filter: 9500393
 Total runtime: 12710.714 ms
(5 rows)

Oh. 12.7 seconds. What happened?

PostgreSQL doesn’t keep correlated statistics about columns; each column’s statistics are kept independently. Thus, PostgreSQL made an assumption about the distribution of values of i in the table: they were scattered more or less evenly throughout. Thus, walking the index backwards meant that, to get 10 “hits,” it would have to scan about 100 index entries… and the index scan would be a big win.

It was wrong, however, because all of the i=1 values were clustered right at the beginning. If we reverse the order of the scan, we can see that was a much more efficient plan:

                                                               QUERY PLAN                                                                
 Limit  (cost=0.43..277.33 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=0.029..0.046 rows=10 loops=1)
   ->  Index Scan using sample_f_idx on sample  (cost=0.43..23218083.52 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=0.027..0.044 rows=10 loops=1)
         Filter: (i = 1)
 Total runtime: 0.071 ms
(4 rows)

So, what do we do? There’s no way of telling PostgreSQL directly to pick one plan over the other. We could just turn off index scans for the query, but that could well have bad side effects.

In this particular case, where a predicate (like the WHERE i=1) picks up a relatively small number of entries, we can use a Common Table Expression, or CTE. Here’s the example rewritten using a CTE:

xof-# WITH inner_query AS (
xof(#    SELECT * FROM sample WHERE i=1 
xof(# )
xof-# SELECT * FROM inner_query ORDER BY f  LIMIT 10;
                                                              QUERY PLAN                                                              
 Limit  (cost=351701.16..351701.18 rows=10 width=12) (actual time=1371.946..1371.949 rows=10 loops=1)
   CTE inner_query
     ->  Seq Scan on sample  (cost=0.00..316811.10 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=1168.034..1244.785 rows=499607 loops=1)
           Filter: (i = 1)
           Rows Removed by Filter: 9500393
   ->  Sort  (cost=34890.06..36986.33 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=1371.944..1371.944 rows=10 loops=1)
         Sort Key: inner_query.f
         Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 25kB
         ->  CTE Scan on inner_query  (cost=0.00..16770.18 rows=838509 width=12) (actual time=1168.040..1325.496 rows=499607 loops=1)
 Total runtime: 1381.472 ms
(10 rows)

A CTE is an “optimization fence”: The planner is prohibited from pushing the ORDER BY or LIMIT down into the CTE. In this case, that means that it is also prohibited from picking the index scan, and we’re back to the sequential scan.

So, when you see a query come completely apart, and it has a LIMIT clause, check to see if PostgreSQL is guessing wrong about the distribution of data. If the total number of hits before the LIMIT are relatively small, you can often use a CTE to isolate that part, and only apply the LIMIT thereafter. (Of course, you might be better off just doing the LIMIT operation in your application!)

24 October 2014


“Be Very Afraid: Backup and Disaster Planning” at PGConf.EU

Slides from my talk, Be Very Afraid: Backup and Disaster Planning, are now available.

23 October 2014


“Finding and Repairing Database Corruption” at PGConf.EU

Slides from my talk, Finding and Repairing Database Corruption, are now available.

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